As such there is no significant
drug interaction between
verapamil and docusate. Docusate is a stimulant laxative. Stimulant laxatives are substances that act on the intestinal mucosa increasing water and electrolyte secretion in gut causing softening of stool. Stimulant laxative does not stimulate heart and does not cause
cardiac arrhythmia.
You can try with
lactulose. It is a better laxative.
1. Syrup lactulose 2 teaspoonful per oral at bed time
2. Continue verapamil as suggested by your doctor
3. Take high fiber diet such as split peas, lentils, black beans, lima beans, baked beans, whole grains, vegetables such as artichoke, green peas, and sprouts and fruits
4. Drink 4 – 5 liters of water daily
5. Avoid straining while defecating
6. Regularly go to toilet. Never avoid if you feel pressure
7. Avoid excess intake tea and coffee after meal if tea and coffee contain tannins which cause constipation