Can you tell me if my Duloxetine Delayed-Release Capsules Capsules USP 20mg; Taken twice a day interacts with my other meds. Atorvastatin 80mg once a day; Hydrochlorothiazide 12-5mg once a day; Hydroxyzine HCL 50mg three times a day; Baclofen 10mg three times a day (usually once during the day and two at bed time for sleep); Lisinopril 40mg per day; Percet 10/325 four times per day; Lorazepam 0.5mg one per day as needed (I only take this med when I can t sleep), and Asprin 325mgs once s day; Lantus 9 in the am and 8 in the pm, Humalog as needed (I am a brittle diabetic, I am senative to food and insulin). Also, Do any of these meds react to over the counter medications like Tussin Cough and Chest Congestion DM not more than six times per day (I usually take this syrup three times per or less); Assured Allergy 25mg one pill morning and night. Thank you so much for the info. Blessings, Karri