I cannot say it often enough. The HCG diet has been frequently associatied with
blood clots. You are on
warfarin, a blood thinner. Thus, by following the HCG diet you are working against warfarin and the treatment of the disorder it was prescribed for. Lifestyle changes, diet, exercise are far better approaches and clients have a greater maintenance rate of the changes they make to lose weight.
steroids, fight the weight by following a low
carbohydrate diet (more low glycemic, no sugar) as the
cortisone will make you crave the foods that will cause an exaggerated weight gain effect. I can truly sympathize. And then to have PCOS!
A mediterranean type diet, low glycemic carbohydrates about 45% of calories, soluble fiber - all may help. Without calculations I have to say that most of my clients choose a 1200 calorie plan. The 500 calorie plan associated with the HCG diet is too low metabolically speaking ( your brain needs 130 grams or 420 calories of carbohydrates just to THINK).
So, good luck to you. I am always here for specialized consultation. I wish you good luck. Regards, Kathryn Shattler, MS,RDN