Dear Dominique,
In fact if there is no lesion in the mouth of a receiver and the penis, there is almost no possibility of HIV transmission by
oral sex. However, are you sure about her oral health and hygiene?
HIV test at this stage will give you false negative results. These are antibody tests. It takes from 6 weeks to 6 months for development of HIV
antibodies. This period is known as Window Period. Hence, the tests done in Window Period may not tell today's status.
Even the DNA tests (PCR) also require about a month's period to give reliable results.
In such a dilemma, the best options for you are:
1. Get HIV test of the partner done, better PCR test. If she is positive, you do carry risk of HIV transmission.
2. Go for Post Exposure Prophylaxis treatment irrespective of the test results; ideally within 24-48 hours of the exposure. Continue it for 28 days. If the partner is positive, you will have to continue it for longer duration.
Have no
stress, act scientifically to protect yourself.
I hope you got the message.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri