In recent months, I ve had multiple encounters with various sex workers in massage parlors receiving not only massages but engaging in various sexual activities which I deem to present no STD risk. These activities have included body to body massage, sucking nipples (both receiving and doing), having my anus touched and fingered, fingering the sex worker s vagina, having my penis squeezed between the worker s breasts and having my penis / genitals masturbated by the hand of the worker. I realize that the massage workers I visit engage not only in these but perhaps also more risky behaviors with multiple other clients within an hour of my visits on the same massage tables where I am massaged / engage in the above activities. I m sure, at times, I ve had cuts on my fingers / cuticles but never recall having a bleeding cut / wound. I did, at times, have bleeding at my anus from anal fissures and/or hemorrhoids. I certainly don t recall any of my hosts having any bleeding wound on their fingers or elsewhere on their bodies. Most importantly I think, I ve never engaged in any oral sex nor any penis / vagina penetrative activities nor any penis / anus penetrative activities during any of these visits. 1. Is there ANY chance I was exposed to ANY STD from the above and, if so, to which STD might I have been exposed and how? 2. Even if the answer to #1 is No for all viral STDs (including HIV), how many days after first encountering any actual symptom(s) during seroconversion of HIV (i.e. fever, sore throat, rash, etc.) would a person definitively have sufficient quantity of antibodies that they would test positive to a 4th generation HIV antibody test? I am expecting (hopeful) that your answer to my #1 is that there are no STD risks - especially none for HIV. Even so, I m still curious to the answer of my Question #2. Thank you so much for your consideration and response.