Hi there, I was recently in contact with an individual who told me afterwards that he had HSV2. We kissed, rubbed penises together for no more than 20 seconds, and performed mutual oral sex only on each other. He told me his symptoms always present anally and he hasnt had an active outbreak in over a year. Unfortunately, at the time, I also had Oral Gonnorhea without knowing. I suffer from severe OCD about STDs so became compelled with the idea i had HSV2 especially given i broke out in a few spots around my lip line a week later. I had a sore throat, fever, chesty cough, congestion, aches, fatigue, headache, and even now over 3 weeks on im still not 100% back to best, still suffering from some symptoms. I was swabbed both anally as i was worried about inflammation in my anus (Hospital put it down to diahrrea which i d been having for over 3 weeks) and also orally - though on a mouth crack rather than one of the weird spots. Both came back negative for HSV2 in swabs. My penis has been inspected numerous times as i commented it felt hot and itchy, and nothing has been observed. However, i kissed a gentleman 48 hours ago and performed oral sex on his anus and he is now complaining of a sore throat. I am very concerned that i could be carrying HSV2 even though people in clinics and hospitals keep telling me that its unlikely and i dont have symptoms that they would be worried about, even though infection can be asymptomatic. They ve told me its highly likely i d already have HSV1 anyway.