Hi. First of all I ll give you some background info: I have 4 kids, 2 singles and twins. After the twins I had a Mirena IUS fitted. After 6 months of pain, I had it swapped for a copper IUD. This too caused me pain so I had it removed after 6 months. Later that year I became pregnant and it was ectopic (right tube). I was treated with Methotrexate. I then became pregnant again and miscarried. A few months later I was pregnant again and miscarried again. Again I became pregnant a few months later and it was ectopic again, right tube again, which ruptured. I had surgery to remove the tube. I have just found myself pregnant again and have started bleeding (dark brown blood). I had a scan (I m currently only 5w2days) and they only saw thickening of the lining, no fetal sac. BUT the sonographer said I have Hydrosalpinx in my remaining tube. All of the things I ve read online suggests that it s very difficult to get pregnant with this condition. I want to know if it s possible that this condition has been responsible for my 2 ectopics and 2 miscarriages since the birth of my 4 children? Everything I ve read online suggests that you can t get pregnant with Hydrosalpinx?