hi doctor, my whole blood test reports differntial % leukocyte count ,lymphocytes are 48.70 % and in differntial absolute leuckocyte counts in lymphocyte is 3.63 thou/mm3 ,, and CREATININE SERUM IS 0.67 MG/DL AND URIC ACID 6.20 MG/DL & SGOT 53.00 U/L,SGPT 96.00 U/L, BILIRUBIN TOTAL 1.60 MG/DL bilirubin direct 0.11 mg/dl ,bilirubin indirect 1.49 mg/dl,cholestrol 217.oo,triglycerides 314.80 LDL CHOLESTROL CAL.122.04,VLDL .62.96,HDL CHOLESTROL 32.00. KINDLY TELL ME ABOUT MY STATUS REGARDS YYYY@YYYY