Hi, hello doctor i was on a follicle scan traetment from doctor and with 4- 5 doses of hcg 75 iu injection On day 15th my follice size was 19 mm and endo with 9 mm then was given an injection for follicle to rupture and they asked us to try for the next 3 days and asked me to get back on 19th day again , when i went for scan on 19th day she said there is free fluid , and egg is been released aand endometrium is 11 mm and she asked me to stop the rest of the tablets am taking and just take folliden(0-1-0) , duphaston(1-0-1),and ecosprin(0-1-0) ,diamet sr 500 mg(1-0-1) is this medication right and will thsi help to me to concieve, are there good chances for me to concieve in this cycle? and doctor husband s semen report is normal doctor said tehre is no problem even i had undergone many hormone tests and evrything was normal except tat i had pcos so tat is when she told sbout follicluar study are there chances of pregnancy and shall i take arg9 or dont want