I am in a complicated situation where my neurologist retired and I have full body Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and a Hx of complex partial seizures that are very well controlled. I live in Cherry Hill ,NJ and have multiple other illnesses due to my RSD which has enabled me to get around. I am VERY confused where to go
and who to go to. A neurologist who deals with pain management along with my other issues or if I should go separately to neuro and pain management . I have been searching and searching on line . There are Physical rehab pain management Dr.s,, Regular Pain Management, Dr's , pain management - pain medicine-anesthesiology Dr,s -pain management anesthesiology Dr,. I am so VERY confused!! I have taken ketamine for 4 yrs. until my ins. stopped paying for it
I am on pain medicine and have been for over 15 yrs. I have been in the hospital for lidocaine .Because of this disease I have had part of my colon taken out due to it causing blood clots. I receive monthly Gamma globulin infusions due to low IGG levels which is felt is caused by this disease.
It has affected my health in so many more ways. What I am saying is this is a serious illness I have all over and I can not afford to pick the wrong Dr,s or the wrong hospital to be affiliated and I can not travel anymore. I Thank you for your insight as Dr,s. Any help in sorting out this problem for me would be much appreciated.
Annette Valiante