I guess your concern is about chances of getting pregnant with one
fallopian tube and after myomectomy. Firstly let us discuss about the ectopic
pregnancy, it is a type of pregnancy in which pregnancy occurs other than the womb, mostly in fallopian tubes. If it ruptures, it requires removal of that site of fallopian tube, and this same thing happened with you. But you have the one healthy fallopian tube so relax.
You are having high chances of getting pregnant. You also come under the age group in which there is maximum chances of getting pregnant. So you have double chances of getting pregnant. Secondly I want to tell you that you have already undergone myomectomy for
fibroid as told by you on same day.
Usually pt having fibroid, facing difficulty in getting pregnant. So there is TRIPLE MORE CHANCES of getting pregnant because you already had myomectomy.
You can follow my suggestions:
1. RELAX, DON'T WORRY. there is triple chances of getting pregnant. just keep patience.
2. If you are in hurry then revisit your treating doctor, he/ she can help you.
i hope this information is useful, informative and helpful for you. I will pray to God that you will be getting pregnant as early as possible and will be blessed with "TWINS".
Dr Sudha Rani Panagar