My infant was diagnosed with a milk intolerance about a month after being born (he was born at 34 weeks). I was breastfeeding and excluded all dairy from my diet. My milk is now drying up, he is 6 months. I started him on soy formula last week to test it out. His bowl movements became peanut buttery (which I heard is good). Two days after starting soy formula I started feeding him rice cereal (all natural-no dairy, soy, wheat). He has handled them well for a week. Suddenly he is having about 6 bowl movements a day (2 during the night) and last night they have become runny and sometimes have mucus. Do I need to switch to the hypoallergenic formula? By the way, he is now 17 lbs. (born weighing 5 lbs. 11 oz.) and very active. He s not really fussy after eating. He pushes when poohing, little to no gas. Should I be concerned about dehydration.