1. since there is tissue
injury, thus in best interest it is wise to consult an Orthopedic surgeon to rule out any damage to nearby structures [ligament/tendons] before any alternate system of medicine is practiced/tried.
2. In acute stage, when there is inflammation,
massage is contraindicated, but you may contact a Physiotherapist or
Sports Medicine Specialist to know more about the same.
3. Till an expert opinion is awaited, you may try following preventive measures at home:
. In Ayurveda we hold that: whenever there is Injury, thus due to
. Vata prakopa: there is shoola(pain)
. Pitta prakopa: there is shotha(inflammation)
. Kapha(vikrit) prakopa: there is uthsedha(swelling) thus intially
RICE protocol is followed
R:est (vata shamana) to reduce pain
I:ce (pitta shaman) to reduce inflammation
C:ompression (kapha shaman) to reduce swelling
E:levation (V-P-K) to improve circulation.
. Mix rock salt in castor oil. lighlty dab on affected area, after this put hot water bag or warm cloth on it or
. add little turmeric powder on
aloe vera leaf after cutting it. Heat it and apply on swelling
. apply lemon juice