Hello! Thank you for writing! I suggest you to lose weight in a healthy way. Lipocut capsule inhibits enzymes responsible for the breakdown of fats in the intestine. As a result, Lipocut capsule prevents the digestion and absorption of fats in the intestine.
Common side effects
Abdominal pain, Fat in stool , Bowel
incontinence, Flatus with discharge, Oily spotting,
Abdominal cramp,
Flatulence, Soft stools
Healthy fats absorption is very important for the absorptation of some
vitamins that need fat, vit K (important in blood homeostasis) , vit D ( for healthy bones) , Vit A( for healthy vision) and vit E. So better lose the weight in a healthy manner. In order to give you more advise I need to know your age, health status, height and weight. Eating healthy and a moderate exercise as walking will help you lose weight and with BP too. Eat a lot of vegetables and a lot of salad and chicken breast, which contain a lot of
proteins that are important. Portion is important, too. Consume more fish and fruits and less carbohydrates reducing then to 50 gram per day and 1 gram per kg protein per day. Do you suffer from any other disease? If so better consult a nutritionist, if you are healthy than you can follow my advices.
Cut of absolutely fried, processed and fast foods. Exercise: go for walking 30-45 minutes per day every day. Drink plenty of water.
Thank you. Best regards.