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2 | 1 | Mon, 3 Mar 2025 | ||
Hey I was wondering how I can lose wheight. I have genuanly tried everything for years and nothing has happend I have become more unhappy and ristrict my self from eating. Right now I m fasting so I allow my self to eat but then I purposely have a hearbl tea as I want my food out of my body. I...
2 | 1 | Mon, 3 Mar 2025 | ||
Good day, I am a 20-year-old female, with 0 health complications. I weigh 262.4lb and I would like to get to 180-200lb by September. I do not have a problem with eating plenty but I eat too little, maybe only once or twice a day and don t have specific times for eating. I snack a lot when I am...
2 | 1 | Mon, 4 Nov 2024 | ||
I am 52 and had a hysterectomy three weeks ago due to prolapsed bladder. I have been post menopausal for 4 years and I still have my ovaries. I have noticed the last few days I am really hungry and craving protein. I don’t feel full after eating. Is this normal? I don’t want to put on weight as I...
2 | 1 | Tue, 3 Oct 2023 | ||
I am 5’7” 62 year old female with a large frame weighing 193 lbs and a BMR of 1489. My goal weight is between 150-160. I work out 4-6 times a week with a wide variety of classes but have still struggled to lose weight. I would like to know how many calories I should be eating to lose weight.
2 | 1 | Wed, 2 Nov 2022 | ||
Hi. I have been struggling with weight loss for the past year or so. I exercise up to 5 days a week. I eat very healthy. But I still seem to be gaining weight instead of losing weight. I need help. I am only an 18 year old at 200 pounds. I need answers or at least a plan to help Me start loosing...
2 | 1 | Mon, 10 Jun 2019 | ||
Hello, Why can t my mom loose her very big stomach? The bottom part of it is bulging out and the whole thing is hard. She is diabetic and a size 24 with authorities...and time to time needs to spent too much time is a bathroom before leaving home. I thought a 3 weeks exercise program could work...
2 | 1 | Mon, 10 Jun 2019 | ||
Ever since I had my second child two years ago I have been unable to lose weight. I have been working out five days a week for a year and at the most have only lost two pounds. I have changed how I eat and don t eat after 7:00 pm. I had my blood work done last week and everything came back clear...
2 | 1 | Wed, 3 Apr 2019 | ||
I m concerned about weight gain and/or lack of weight loss. I have a very active lifestyle, and I eat a balanced plant-based diet. This has been my lifestyle for a few years now, and I feel like my body is constantly either refusing to lose weight, or packing it on. What could the problem be?
12 | 1 | Tue, 8 Jan 2019 | ||
Its ben over a year in a half all over my body slowly large bruises tiny pink red purple dots to the size of a pencil eraser, my skin loos like its peeling tiny peice standing weird color fuze hands turn bright red when nervouse and purple(rynaunds disease ER said) lumps under skin Last year I...
12 | 1 | Tue, 4 Dec 2018 | ||
Hey im 17 i weigh 195 and i stand around 5 3 i think im ugly and fat no guys really like me i have a boyfriend of a year now and we are truly in love he is not fat at all has a six pack and is very sexy im jealous of him because alot of girls like him and he can have any one of them.....he did...
12 | 1 | Fri, 30 Nov 2018 | ||
Hello there, I m 15 years old and I weigh 260 lbs. I m 5 7 1/2 inches tall and I m a girl. I have very low self esteem, motivation levels and I can never seem to get ahold of my weight. I m moving and I m going to join a couple weight loss clinics for children and teenagers, and also join the...
2 | 1 | Fri, 30 Nov 2018 | ||
Hello my name is Angel and I have question concerning weight loss. I am over weight and looking for a product to help me loose the weight before i loose my life. I have high blood pressure and lupus. My bmi is 53. I have belly fact I need to get rid of. I was looking at a product call CLA. I here...
13 | 1 | Fri, 30 Nov 2018 | ||
Hi I am looking into fat cavitation treatments. So far narrowing it down to two types, trying to find out which is better. type 1 fat cavitation at 40 khz using electroporation method and gives you the ringinging in the ears or type 2. cavitation that has either IR ( radio frequency and infrared...
7 | 1 | Thu, 29 Nov 2018 | ||
I have epilepsy. Is it safe for me to take homeopathic HCG drops for weight loss? A friend of mine has had great success with this. I take 400mgs of Phenytoin(Dilantin) plus 150mgs of Lamictal per day(maint. level @ 15). My last seizure was 14mos ago. (which is common for me; one a yr maybe) The...
7 | 1 | Thu, 29 Nov 2018 | ||
Hi I am BC patient having has surgery and radiotherapy in 2012 (No Chemo) and am currently taking Arimidex one a day since March 2013.. I am struggling wiht weight and trying depserately to lose unwanted pounds/kilo s I am thinking about trying the Garcinia Cambogia and cleansing capsules but can...
71 | 1 | Thu, 29 Nov 2018 | ||
had hip replacement 3 years ago and got bacterial infection and after 6 weeks being hospitalised and course of anti biotics was cured and discharged with a weight loss of 10 per cent.Since then I have not regained the weight loss,and over the last few months have lost a further 10 percent in...
14 | 1 | Tue, 27 Nov 2018 | ||
Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...Hello I m 41 years old femail sorry my english is well but IWIll try to write my problem IHad prest cancer before 5 yeas then after 3 years I had it in my blood leikemia I m well now but my brolem is that I like to eat...
7 | 1 | Tue, 27 Nov 2018 | ||
Tightening the Tummy Iam 51 years old and weigh 77kgs.Recently I have lost 6 kgs and my weight stabilized at 77 kgs which works out to a BMI of 25 as my height is 5’10”.I maintain regular exercise -aerobics,strength training,abdominal exercises and evening walk of 4 kms.I eat selectively without...
13 | 2 | Sun, 25 Nov 2018 | ||
I am 17 and 5ft7, i have been losing weight since december (8.7stone-7.7stone) and no one knows why i have seen two doctors and had bloods taken and checked for celiac and anaemia, they came back negative, i am still losing the weight and i have not been able to eat properly in months, i am now...
12 | 1 | Sat, 17 Nov 2018 | ||
hi sir my age is 24 i m exercising fr the last 3yrs n still there fats on my chest bcoz of thai cant take out my shirt my body is good but main thing upset me is my chest area i have cosulted my famly doc he told me that take some it will help uu he also told me about the gland prent in my chest...