Dear Madam, Hi & Welcome.
Yes, it will not affect the growth of your unborn baby hence can be taken safely for the treatment of
gestational diabetes (GDM).
GDM is associated with an increased risk of maternal and perinatal complications including
preeclampsia, cesarean delivery, macrosomia (large baby), birth injuries and trauma, prematurity,
hypoglycemia, and
neonatal respiratory distress.
Melmet (Metformin) works by improving insulin sensitivity and less tendency to cause hypoglycemia and maternal weight gain and it also reduces the risks of GDM as mentioned above.
It is a safe alternative to Insulin (which is known to cause hypoglycemia and weight gain) and it will not affect your baby's growth so continue to take it as prescribed.
You should have extra antenatal appointments so your baby can be closely monitored.
Periodic ultrasound scans around 20, 28, 32, and 36 weeks to monitor your baby's growth and amount of
amniotic fluid and regular check ups from week 38 onwards are recommended.
Hope this will help you.
A feedback is appreciated.