If you have atrial
fibrillation and high BP, and
metoprolol has been prescribed by your doctor then never stop metoprolol. Atrial fibrillation is a more serious condition than loss of sleep. Although loss of sleep is a well known side effect of metoprolol, it can be managed easily. Also, metoprolol brings down fast
heart rate. It will control your blood pressure.
1. Continue metoprolol as suggested by your doctor
2. Take metoprolol in the morning after breakfast
3. Zolpidem at bed time for 30 days
4. Regular exercise at least 30 minutes for 5 days in a week. The best types of exercise for lowering BP include walking, jogging, cycling, swimming or dancing
5. Eating a diet that is rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products and skimps on
saturated fat and cholesterol
6. Consume less salt preferably less than 3 gram per day
7. Do meditation
8. Avoid tea & coffee in evening & night
9. Avoid alcohol and smoking especially in night
10. Avoid foods you may be sensitive. Sensitivity reactions can cause excess congestion, gastrointestinal upset, bloating and gas. This disturbs your sleep
11. Lose extra weight if you are
overweight and keep your
body mass index between 19 and 25. BMI is calculated by formula BMI = Weight in Kilograms / (height in meters x height in meters)
12. Reduce your metal stress because stress activates sympathetic system and increases BP
13. Measure your BP regularly and be in touch with your doctor
Sleep induction pills are used for short term control of insomnia. It is an addicting medicine so avoid using it for more than 1 month.
I hope this information will help you. I will be happy if you ask another question