Thanks for writing to us.
The answer to your question would be yes and no!.
Nadoxin as such is used in acne to treat tender,inflammed red bumps or pustules. However it wont have any response on comedonal( whiteheads/blackheads) acne, marks or scars.
Acne treatment depends upon severity as well as type of lesions. As a genral treatment suggestion for acne prone skin
Use a
salicylic acid based face wash if you have mild
comedonal acne. If having red tender painful bumps, use
benzoyl peroxide based face wash like brevoxyl.
Avoid using thick greasy moisturisers, instead use water based moisturisers like neutrogena or cetaphil or acnemoist.
Get your comedones extracted regularly. However avoid face massage iwth creams or gels.
Apply nadoxin adapalene combination gel over acne lesions in night. This would reduce active acne lesions.
Use azelaic acid based cream over full face once in a day. This would reduce acne marks. However use it in a very small quantity possible.
Sometimes if acne is severe or extensive oral medicines like
azithromycin or doxycycline or
isotretinoin has to be prescribed. For the same a prescription from doctor will be required.
Hope this helped.
Take care