Hi Gaurav, Your BMI is normal. So you need not worry.
The supplements are good except for the ayurvedic one since I don't have an idea about it.
There is only cue to weight gain . Calorie intake must be greater than calorie expense.
1.Check your daily maintenance calories.. Add 500 calories above the maintenance.
Eat atleast 2g protein per kg.
3. Add wholesome food like fish and chicken rather than
protein supplements. Supplements are not essential. Trust me.
Measure. Measure . Track .
That is the key.
But to add muscle mass, you will have to provide the stimulus, which comes from exercise. Otherwise the weight gain will be a combination of maximum fat and minimum muscle leading to a skinny- fat state.
Do reply fohttp://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.htmlctype=metric&cage=25&csex=m&cheightfeet=5&cheightinch=10&cpound=160&cheightmeter=170&ckg=58&cactivity=1.375&printit=0&x=68&y=19
Do contact for more help.