I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns.
As per your complain toe
nail fungus also known as
Onychomycosis is a
fungal infection of toenail and can lead to blistering, swelling, pain and discolouration of toenails..
Most commonly toenail fungus is treated with a combination of
topical antifungal and steroid ointments and it responds well to the treatment..
In case if it does not respond well then oral antifungals are given..
In case if your daughter is not responding to topical treatment you can give
Terbinafine as it will not necessarily cause any deleterious side effects and once the infection resolves the medication can be stopped..
You can also start apply topical ointments and see the results as if there is resolution oral medication is not needed..
If it does not resolve you can start oral medication as the medication is fine..
She can also maintain a good hygiene and avoid moisture to accumulate in the area for faster recovery..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.