I had sex with sex worker past 4 days.It went for 3 minutes, as soon the intercourse has started, the condom had broken and then I got scared, came back to home. The condom has broken at the tip, and everything was dry. The accident was hardly for 3 secs. Later after 24 hours, I consulted a doctor. The doctor advised me to take Trustiva (tenofovir disoproxil 300mg fumarate, emtricitabine 200mg & efavirenz 600mg) as single tablet everyday. He said this is as part of PEP (Post exposure prophylaxis) Treatment for 28 days. As I m browsing over internet, I noticed Trustiva is being used by Patients who are already HIV+. Im really confused and worried. Its been more than 72 hrs now Im exposed. I took 3 tablets of Trustiva. My question is Trustiva is really for PEP treatment or a medicine used my HIV positive patients? Please help me.