My Dr. Has increased m dosage of clonazepam from 2mgs daily to 8 mgs daily! I have been on this drug since a TBI in 2001- My NY Drs were weaning me off it, but since I had to move to Fl. to care for my now deceased father since my momma was killed in a car accident I am now on such a high dose it scares me, I do not want to go through horrifying withdrawal . I feel normal on this drug, but when I try to stop, I can t speak, cry, etc...My new Dr. doesn t seem concerned w/ this, says everybody has to be on something always sooner or later- He is very elderly & I am terrified (he only practices one day week) if he retires I will die from grand mal seizures or simply lose my mind if another Dr .refuses to prescribe. I asked him to help me get to a lower dosage & he said Are you ready? then suggested I try to do it myself, but I can t, I get weepy etc... when I do (try to lower dose). My Momma was killed in horrible car wreck, I took care of my Dadddy w/ Parkinsons & he just passed away so my Dr. seems to think I need this high dose. He put me on 10mgs Valium quid for a month but I hated it . I have been trying to take care of horse farm alone now, sore all the time, have some left over Robaxin from car wreck I was in 2 days after Daddy died- Can I take them together w/out bad effects? My muscles are so sore- How do I get off this benzo? I feel like I am Klonipin s slave- pleeeease help. Thank you, God Bless-