Hi Dear !! Thanks for your query to HCM .
Read and reviewed your query and health concerns.
IN the given situation, You seems to have suffered from-
GERD with H.Pylori infection.In the given scenario, dirrhoea induced with lipogene and Garcino, needs to be treated besides H.Pylori infection, unless tests are positive for H.Pylori-by UBT(
Urea Breath test),Stool Antigen test.
Hence Vancomycin-which is proved to be noneffective in H.Pylori, should be avoided.Instead Combination of LAC-
Lansoprazole +Amoxycillin+Clarythromycin and if needed with
metronidazole for 7-14 days would take care of H.Pylor flare up with other food induced infection.
Loaratidine- to control food induced bumps under toungue, would resolve the health issues you have.
Hence its suggested that it is advised not to use Vancomycin in given scenario.
Work up on above lines suggested, would help in resolving the issues,in your specific case.
Many other causes accompanying, need to be ruled out in planning further care in your case.
Second opinion with attending GI- Surgeon would resolve your health .
issues in time to come.
Hope this would help you to plan further of this complex illness of yours.
If need be, update any health issue 24 x 7 by a direct question to ME, at following HCM link-http://doctor.healthcaremagic.com/Funnel?page=askDoctorDirectly&docId=70229
Dear, if satisfied,Don't forget to close this query with YOUR pleasing feedback comments to rate this reply and service, to boost the morale of incoming Emergency patients like YOU, at HCM services.
If you want to update more details and ask more update queries ,
You are most Welcome herewith !!
Good Day!!
Wishing Good Healthy Life in time to come!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N.
Senior Surgical Specialist