DEAR PATIENT. i have read your question carefully and understand your problem.
first of all you are sufferring from weak have to focus on soon as the immunity improves,the viral infection will dissappear and so does your fatigue.
Take 2 egg whites everyday,plus a milk shake and plus a complete balanced diet. add a tablet of
multivitamin everyday.avoid foods rich in fats and
cholesterol. You can take vyvanase to fight your fatigue,but refrain from increasing the dose by urself. see the chronic
EBV infection is due to weak immunity of a person.get CBC test done regularly to monitor your immune cells. FOcus more on nutrition especially protein rich diet which stimulates and increases the
wbc count and improves your symptoms.
second of all.
naltrexone is not used to control pain. it is used to treat opioid dependence .
you have to stop running from doctor to doctor.
An MD medicine doctor is very much equipped to handle your situation.
hope you understand that there is no specific medication to kill the virus,because it can be killed only by the self immunity.
hope that answers the question.
you will get of luck