I have chronic a-fib, 24/7. It was previously controlled with different meds following a cardio version, but that is no longer effective. I now live at 60 of altitude in Houston, and take yearly trips, or more often, to New Mexico, Colorado and/or Wyoming, where I grew up. The altitudes vary from 8500 or 9000 to 7200 and down to about 6000 . I am a 73 yr old female, overweight and fairly sedentary due to exercise fatigue from the a-fib. I am contemplating a vacation of 2 weeks or less at an altitude of 7000 or 8000 . We would be making the ascent by automobile, and I don t anticipate any hiking or climbing. My blood pressure is well-controlled at about 120/70 but my heart rate is obviously erratic and usually rapid at 80-90. My question is whether this is something I can safely do? I had an echocardiogram, an ECG and a semiannual checkup with my cardiologist about 3 weeks ago.