This is a very delicate question , so read following carefully .Although it is in detail but also important for your question and for answer:
Large, multi-institutional studies have indicated that the risk of
HIV transmission following skin puncture by a sharp object that was contaminated with blood from a documented HIV infection is ~35 and after a
mucous membrane exposure it is 0.09%( inside of nose , eyes and mouth is having mucous membrane ) .
All the diseases which , you mentioned in your query are viral disease and apply the same rule .
HIV transmission after NON-INTACT ( as in your case cut was there but wound was not there ) skin exposure has been documented , but the average risk for transmission by this route has NOT been precisely determined .
In your case on both accounts , there is no chance of transmission of HIV infection.
Further HIV infection transmission depend on many factors :
=Higher titer of HIV in the blood.
=Presence of more virulent strains of virus
=Advanced stage-disease.
Antiviral treatment .
So I want to mention that you are HIV free.
Hope this will help you.