thank you for providing the brief history of you.
as you mentioned about seeing the veins and use of bleaching creams.
well it could be one of the reaction over a period of time. as I have noticed in some other people.
Injury develops over a period of time and never in over night.
as the great saying - Rome was not built in one day
same way - injury don't come over night , its build up from years and one day it poops out.
well, now to look forward with the query you mentioned
first of all you look over weight as per your height and age .
second, you need to meet a
dermatologist and check out if any skin issue is there.
thirdly kindly stop the bleaching therapy as , damage to the skin is irreversible at most times. depending upon the genetic composition the skin behaves that way.
Also try to focus on doing regular exercises till you sweat. as the excretary glands has to get activated again. Bleach has made the secretion of
melanin which is the natural oily substance excreted from the excretary glands. Now to reactivate that we don't have a button to press but the exercise to help excretary glands function again.
this is completely a simple , cellular stage level of understanding for which a dermatologist should be able to explain you in detail.
Also try taking normal water bath as much as possible. maintian your diet and avoid oily stuff.
once you will figure out the
metabolism effects raising with exercise you will get more indulge into it.
with the grace of god i wish you a good health.