Veins and Arteries Questions & Answers

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3 2 Fri, 31 Mar 2023
Hi, I had a dvt 12 years ago. I would like to know if I need to take a clexane injection for long flight travel. I m not on any meds for blood thinning and haven t been for 10 years. Thank you
3 2 Fri, 31 Mar 2023
Very tender where Achilles’ tendon meets heel bone. Can’t push toe down to walk. No bruising. Somewhat swollen. Does not hurt when sitting. Did not feel a trauma just started to get sore. Did go up and down ladder many times one day and could hardly walk the next day. Is it possible to slightly...
6 1 Sat, 25 Jan 2020
Hi!My 7 year old son might has a very prominent vein possibly a varicose vein on the back of his calf. Does this need to be seen by his pediatrician? I took a picture of it which can be seen here ,Thank you for your time. XXXX
2 1 Fri, 8 Nov 2019
Hi Doctor I was suffering from viens problem my both the feet s have turn black on the right foot beside ankle a wound has occurred if I am walking or standing liquid flows that is blood no yellow or pus like pls suggest me what to do pain occures when I am walking
2 1 Mon, 1 Jul 2019
Hello, I ve been having dull pain on both upper arms, sometimes hands and elbows.This started after I had my flu shot and Pneumonia shots Or about month ago I went to Urgent care because of my Asthma. They took and X-ray. My lungs were clear but on my release notes they had that i have...
2 1 Fri, 28 Jun 2019
My boyfriend had an ascending and descending aorta repair. It was about a year ago, he has been on many medications since. lately he is having swelling around the eyes, shortness of breath and abdominal blotting. Could this be from medications or another aneurysm?
2 1 Fri, 15 Mar 2019
I was in the hospital in late May from Afib. I stayed in the hospital for 4 days and then 1 more. I have DILTIAZEM 120 MG and METOPROLOL 25 MG. I also take Xarelto, but my doctor stopped it for about 3 weeks. I get fairly dark spots on my body that could pop up anywhere. I think they go away, but...
2 1 Tue, 29 Jan 2019
What is a stent.I have varicose veins.It is all recent .I had ultrasound and a MRI there is moderate compression of the left iliac vein by the right common iliac artery..The vascular Dr wants me to have a venogram. What is a venogram and do I really need it.
2 1 Fri, 25 Jan 2019
I have arachnoiditis symptoms. What kind of Dr. should i see. I have already been diagnosed by a specialist with fybromyalgia, but my primary Dr. said that is a made up disease. He still is sending me from specialist to specialist looking for answers. 21/2 years and I m getting worse. Some...
2 1 Thu, 24 Jan 2019
Hello, A few months ago I had a kidney stone found via a CT scan and also discovered was a short segment of high-grade stenosis of the left common iliac artery - only symptoms possibly at this time are noticing that I cannot walk as long as previously and am unsteady sometimes..?? No high...
2 1 Mon, 26 Nov 2018
My mom is 80 years old and is very sedentary. She has a history of swollen ankles caused by vein disease. We tried injections for treatment but she could not tolerate it so we discontinued. She was told to wear compression stockings and to keep her legs elevated. Due to her moderate dimentia, she...
2 1 Tue, 16 Oct 2018
Am a little concern about the finding of last year s finding of mildly aneurysmal ascending thoracic aorta measuring 4.9 mm in diameter. Sometimes, during the day, I have experiencing like out of breath and lighter headache. Do I need to really worry at this time?
2 1 Mon, 8 Oct 2018
My husband had a chest x ray and it stated that the descending thoracic aorta is markedly ectatic. He has an abdominal aneurysm which is very small and has not enlarged in 9 years. He is seen on a regular basis by a vascular surgeon who checks the aneurysm. What do you suggest.
2 1 Mon, 10 Sep 2018
I had a varicose vein over my knee and fell on it, my leg was very bruised. It within a week it reduced and disappeared, the cain and lowers thigh is now really painful and swollen, feels ver right and possibly a burning feeling. When I put pressure on the vein area above my knee it seems a limp...
2 1 Wed, 5 Sep 2018
I had an experience of syncope on 2 occasions one in dec 2017, after wards my dr. sent me to a cardiologist and he did several tests all came back normal. Then in June 2018 I had another experience my dr was out of office so her office sent me to same-da y clinic that dr. ordered a CT scan,...
2 1 Wed, 5 Sep 2018
Hi, I recently had a vnus closure done (3 weeks ago) and I am experiencing complications resulting in phlebitis. I also have swollen lymph nodes in the groin. I have been prescribed antibiotics but I was told I may need to get a biopsy of the lymph nodes. Are the swollen lymph nodes likely a...
2 1 Tue, 4 Sep 2018
my wife is 61,diabetic,has CHF,high bp 167/93 but now is 127/88 pulse 66.Takes carvedilol 25mg. Varicose veins in her feet, and one of those veins started spraying blood. we elevated her leg, applied pressure ,and now the bleeding has stopped. Should we keep monitoring her foot for bleeding and...
2 1 Wed, 29 Aug 2018
I have had pain centered along my right outer jugular for about two days now. It doesn t hurt unless pressure is applied, or I turn my head the wrong way. The pain seems to be centered at the point where my neck meets my jaw line, but follows the vein about 2/3 of the way down my neck and extends...
2 1 Thu, 23 Aug 2018
I have a skin tag on my bottom eyelid right on the eye lash line. It s not very and is hardly visible, but when I blink it rubs against my pupil and is very uncomfortable. I am worried about using OTC skin tag remover because I don t want to get any into my eye. How damaging would it be to my eye...
3 1 Thu, 9 Aug 2018
Dear dr My husbund has a blood clots in both radial arteries of both hands And joint pain He took corticostrleroides for 5 days then stop it While doing cbc test We found wbc high Wbc 20 000 Eeosinophiles 40% And neutrohiles 35 Then he is on levenox ampoule and lipitor When he repeat cbc after 10...