Hallow Dear,
Fallopian tubes are the highway for the sperms and ovaries to meet. Hence, blocked fallopian tubes will definitely come in the way of
However, you have only left fallopian tube blocked. If your right tube is patent, there are good many chances to become pregnant. There are some odds no doubt, however not impossible.
If both the tubes are blocked then the blocks can be removed surgically and the tubal patency can be reachieved. However, we avoid doing patency surgery only for one blocked tube lest the risk of other tube getting affected.
If this also does not work, there is an option of test tube baby; i.e.
in vitro fertilization and embryo transplant in the
uterine cavity.
I would advice you to monitor your ovulation from the right ovary and plan your sexual intercourse on the day of intercourse to increase the chances of fertilization.
And finally what about the other factors responsible for infertility? Are you forming your eggs normally? Is the lining of the
uterus normal? Do you have any infection in the vagina which can kill the sperms? And how is your husband's sperm count? All these investigations should be done for evaluation of infertility.
I hope I have clarified your doubts and have given you sufficient information.