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At first blush, I would say that there may be an allergenic component. Avocodo is very high in fat which should not affect hydration or urinary frequency. Since intolerances are individual, you may very well have an intolerance. As you know,
diabetes insipidus concerns hydration and maintaining adequate hydration. I do not have a diet in my evidence-based manual that addresses these foods.
If you were my patient I would avoid these foods just as if you were allergic to a medication you would avoid the medication.
The guidelines for a diabetes insipidus diet are as follows:
1) avoid salty or high sodium foods (less than 2000 mg/day or even lower - clarify with personal physician) and be certain to read labels on foods for sodium content. Salt and sodium are different. Your limit is less than 2300 mg sodium, not
sodium chloride which is salt.
2) avoid caffeinated products (chocolate may have caffeine in it)
3) avoid processed foods - mostly because they are high in sodium
4) avoid excess protein
5) water based foods may help such as melons, vegetables
Beets, celery, carrots and spinach may have too much natural sodium for your body to handle
A low sodium diet is characterized by the following:
Eliminate salty foods from your diet and and don't use in cooking. Sea salt is no better than regular salt.
Choose low sodium foods. Many salt-free or reduced salt products are available. When reading food labels, low sodium is defined as 140 mg of sodium per serving.
Salt substitutes are sometimes made from potassium, so read the label. If you are on a low potassium diet, then check with your doctor before using those salt substitutes.
Be creative and season your foods with spices, herbs, lemon, garlic, ginger, vinegar and pepper. Remove the salt shaker from the table.
Read ingredient labels to identify foods high in sodium. Items with 400 mg or more of sodium are high in sodium. High sodium food additives include salt, brine, or other items that say sodium, such as
monosodium glutamate.
Foods cooked from scratch are naturally lower in sodium than most instant and boxed mixes.
Don't use softened water for cooking and drinking since it contains added salt.
Avoid medications which contain sodium such as Alka Seltzer and Bromo Seltzer.
So, in summary, I recommend avoidance of those 3 problematic foods and off hand I do not know of any one common ingredient in all 3 that might be troublesome in particular.
Be certain to use your medication as prescribed and follow the diet guidelines I outlined and hopefully your bathroom trips will diminish and you will feel better.
Be Well, Kathryn J. Shattler, MS, RDN