Hello. On Fri.,past,i had a cortisone injection for right arm requiring further physical therapy. I m taking alendronate & flomax which can cause constipation (which has occurred) but I have raisin bran & prune juice which alleviates condition. The cortisone can also cause blood pressure rise which it has as i monitor bp daily and has risen since Fri.! Constipation worsened. Now am inquiring if cortisone injection could cause constipation too which is worse.Is enough the 2 medicines cause constipation, now, the cortisone did nothing but put poison me as i refer to it--it s a steroid-- , my right arm stil hurts and not much mobility--pain to raise it much above the waist. need use left hand to raise arm higher up. Shouldn t the cortisone have eliminated the reason it was given--the doctor said it would but it did nothing at all. Sorry for lengthy description. thank you in advance for replying if you do.