I had sex on june 8 and again on june 23. We used a condom both times and I don't think it ripped but I'm not 100% it didn't. On july 1st, about a week after the 23rd^, I got what I had thought to be my period. It was normal flow the first day, but then it got lighter, and eventually dissapeared for 2 days. Then all of a sudden it started up again. It lasted for about 5 days as my normal period would, and I never really thought about it untill now. They've always been pretty regular.. but My period was supose to come 3-4 days ago.. Even tho I had bleeding last month, Do you think I could be pregnant? Or can stress cause periods to come late? And if I don't get my period within 2 or so days, I plan on taking a pregnancy test, I just wonder what you think so I can maybe prepare my self for if it shows positive or not.