Hi, i'm 21 years old. Male. I'v had a problem with commitment as long as I can remember, always dropping out of things, for example three colleges and tons of jobs too. I'm currently un-employed and have been for a couple of years now and to be honest I have no motivation at all to do anything about it. I feel I live an un-healthy life style. Sometimes I even forget to drink and go a whole day without one. My diet is bad. I do hardly any exercise because whats the point. Were all going to be dead for eternity anyway so it wont matter for ever after. I forget names of people i'v known for years and can barely remember what happened ten mins ago half of the time. I replay conversations I'v had with people over and over again and constantly talk out loud to myself so I can process thing properly because I struggle picturing situations in my head because it feel really clouded and foggy. I thought I might add, I dont feel suicidal or anything of this nature.. infact the exact opposite, i'm scared of death so much I cant look at graveyards and hate the news. I'm worried I may have a brain tumor or something of this nature that is making my brain work this way. or can depression cause such symptoms? Thanks for taking the time to read and respond to this. Truly grateful.