I am 23 years old, I weigh 8.9 stone, I am approximately 5.7 feet tall. I went for a smear test on 27.02.2009 and received normal results. on 10.02.2010 I experienced 'spotting' after sex, this only happened the once and never happened again. The medical research showed i have polycystic ovaries, my doctor said i could have a cervical tear and to come back if the spotting persists but it never happened again, although it did sting on a couple of occasions which I assumed could be the suspected cervical tear and it was left at that. I have had a new sexual partner since 08.10.2010 and at first everything was fine but as time went on, sex became painful and I have bled nearly every time we've had sexual intercourse in the most recent months, it is more and more painful every week and I feel it is getting worst as time goes on. I had another smear test on 01.08.2011 and the results showed that I have mild Dyskaryosis, I am attending my colposcopy today. Is Dyskaryosis always as a result of the human papilloma virus or can it be other things too? Nobody has discussed anything with me and I feel I am being left in the dark. Does my partner need treatment too? Should I stop having sex with my partner? Once given the all clear, is is safe for me to continue having sex with my partner afterwards without risking a repeat of my problems?