My 2yo daughter developed Roseola 3 weeks ago (14 Oct - 22 Oct). She had high fevers for 3 days then had a rash on her face, trunk and legs. During that fever, she was given Paracetamol and one dose of Ibuprofen which caused an allergy (swollen eye, urticaria, runny nose, cough). It was during this period that she started blinking a lot and sometimes, forcefully. She was also given Zyrtec drops for the runny nose and dry cough (from 16 Oct to 26 Oct) after the allergy occurred. The blinking continued 1.5 weeks after the rash disappeared. She blinks right after a nap / sleep so it s not fatigue. The blinking gets worse while watching TV and gets better with focused activities. We thought it could be dry eyes due to her medications and bought a humidifier and stopped all anti-histamines.The blinking then stopped totally from 1 Nov to 5 Nov. On 6 Nov night, she started blinking excessively again and at 3am, she developed a fever of 38.4 Celsius. She blinked a lot on 7 and 8 Nov and still has a low grade fever (37.5). She only took Paracetamol, 6-hourly. 1. Could you advise why the excessive blinking occurred and will it ever go away? She has never blinked excessively before the Roseola episode.2. What medicines should I stop or give her? 3. Why did the fever return after only less than 3 weeks?