Thanks for writing to us..
As per your query gap between front two teeth known as Midline
Diastema can occur due to causes like, either it is present since childhood but in case if it has occurred recently it can be due to drifting of teeth caused commonly due to loosening of teeth secondary to
gum infection,
diabetes induced gum infection, tooth decay,
tooth erosion etc...
So if I would be your treating dentist I would first evaluated you for the exact cause of the gap and also the exact width of gap to decide the course of treatment..
In case if there is childhood gap then either filling with resin based filling or capping of teeth can help..
In case if there is gum infection then first treating infection by scaling, currettage and taking antibiotics an help..
In case of tooth decay appropriate fillings and capping can help..
consult a Dentist and get evaluated and discuss appropriately..
You can also revert me back after discussing with your dentist so that I can guide you better, how you should proceed for treatment..
You can go to my profile and click on "ask me a question" button and we can discuss in detail..
Hope this helps..