Hello, I am a very worried mom, looking for answers. I have a 20month of little girl, who goes in or dental surgery on the 19th of this month. She was a premiee, born at 36wks, weighing in at 5lbs 4oz. A very healthy little girl. Her name is Eleni. As I said, she is 20mos old. She didn't start to get teeth until about 8mos. She started off with just the 2 bottom teeth until about14mos. Then all the sudden was getting two at a time. About 2months ago we noticed some brown spots on her two upper front teeth. Within about 1 to 2wks of this discovery, a piece of one of the teeth had broke off(the enamel). We took her to a pedatric specialist, who said that he would try his best to cap the teeth, but, it he wasn't able to he would haveto pull them out. She will be having this procedure done at franklin square hospital in Marylad. They will be putting her under general anestesia. I have two other children 9 & 10, neither have ever even had a cavity. Now my eleni has 3. The doctor never gave us any reasoning on why his was happening. She is a good brusher, even at this young age. Eleni is very smart & loves to brush her eeth. My husband and I are very concerned about all of this. Just so unsure about putting such a young child under anestesia. Can you add any insight on this matter? Thank you fr your time!!
Very concerned mom, Amanda.