Generally PCOD can present with
irregular periods, anovulation and
infertility sometimes. According to your ultrasound findings:
The irregular 13mm structure could be a ruptured follicle. Other small follicle may be representing immature follicle due to PCOD.
Prominent ovaries can also represent big size ovaries due to PCOD. Adhesions in adnexa usually represent infection,
endometriosis etc. Endometrial echo is normal for second half of the
After taking tab. Meprate, sometimes it may take around one week to 10 days to get the withdrawal bleeding. So, you can wait till that time. And possibly you may get the withdrawal bleeding. Regarding fertility, Development of dominant follicle which might have ruptured is good sign.
You can take treatment for PCOD with insulin sensitizers and hormonal pills for two months and assess the condition of the ovaries. If the ovaries comeback to normal size, and ovulation occurs normally, you can go for
ovulation induction and plan for pregnancy.
Regarding adhesions, in case of infection, you need antibiotics. In case of endometriosis, hormonal therapy in mild cases, adhesiolysis in severe cases is needed.
Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Sree Gouri S. R., OBGYN