Hi I m 38 yrs old Jambhare (male), I frequently suffering from fever , I caught by cold when cloudy atmosphere comes or leave. this cold converts into fever and sometime typhide. A consultant suggest me for some pathology test i.e Hb (12.7), T.L.C (4500), DLC ( nutophils 46, Lympocytes 42, Monocytes nil, Eosinophils 12, Basophils nil) and ESR (Wintobe tube-14) and Widal test is normal, Chest X-ray is normal. but physician told me that the X-ray is doubtful and suggest for montus test. within 48 hours the points has appered hald and reddish ( Pathologist suggested me after 48 hrs result would be made and it may not be positives also). my weight is constant since last 5 month (44 kg). I neither suffered by cough. Can it possible that I,m +ve for montus. which medicine should be taken for how long? Plz suggest me.