Kidney infection usually does not cause
chest tightness. Usually kidney infection causes
flank pain (pain in the area between lower ribs and hip bone). The other associated symptoms can be fever, nausea (vomiting sensation), vomiting, painful urination and foul smelling urine.
Chest tightness, especially towards the center of chest, is usually due to heart problems. However, if it is confined to one side and involving only lower rib region, it can be caused by kidney problems.
Please confirm the diagnosis by checking urine microscopy for WBCs and
ultrasound to look at the kidneys. If these are normal and your pain is persistent, it is important to look for problems associated with heart, food pipe (
esophagus) or stomach.
I am ready to provide you further guidance. Please provide details like your age, sex and associated medical conditions for further focused clarification.
Wish you a speedy recovery,
Dr. Raguram.