I have a,more sore less, a constant headache. It seems to radiate from the the back of my neck , up over my left ear. The position varies from day to day. It is aggravated by bending my head backwards.If Iturn my head from side to side , in a rotation . Again it feels as though I am consuch of a grinding sensation , as though I was rubing the bones of my neck. I have only limited turning . At the moment I can move my head up and down , side to side, and twist with only moderate discomfort. But then I took two acetophenamine and a pain pill ,stronger than acetophenamine , last night about 11 o clock and another pain pill this morning. I know I have arthritis but should my h.ache only be one sided?. Why does it occur ,mostly on my Left side, and with varying intensity . Some times with such intensity that I cannot function with out medication? My rotation of my upper body is greatly reduced, my age is a factor . however I do excercise regularly, almost daily for an hour at a time. I have been told I have early Parkinson s . I have been on for about 18 months---- mostly levodopa which was increases 6 months ago to 100 mg four times a day. I also have got a mobility and balance for which I need a walker and an electric scooter.. I have an appointment with my neurologist in a few weeks. I was wondering if all this could be related to the PD .? The. Headaches are on my left side , my Parkinson s seems to be affecting my Right side. Would an MRI be of any help ? .at least Otha e as a base line?I don t want to have to take Acetophenamine lndefinatly I am. Sorry to have been so long winded !, I appreciate your opinion . POBK.