Hi, Been in extreme pain lately especially on the right abdomen and had issues on lower back pain since then. The GP gave me meds but it wont do any thing. Lower back pain was present since then before I even got the abdominal pain. Had my lab results as follows: Random blood sugar - 86 CBC RBC - 5.18 Hemoglobin - 14.6 HCT - 44.3 MCV - 85.4 MCH - 28.1 PLT - 208 WBC - 5.5 Polymorph - 72 Lymphocyte - 25 Monocyte - 2 Eosinophils - 1 Basophil - 0 RDW - 12 ESR - 15 Urinalysis Volume - 40ml Color - Yellow Clarity - clear Specific Gravity - 1.015 ph - 6.5 Glucose, proteins - absent ketone, nitrite, bilirubin - negative urobilinogen, blood - absent Pus cells - 0-2 Rbcs - nil epitheal cells -few crystals, casts, bacteria, others - nil Had an ultrasound as well.. Liver, gallbladder, common bile, pancreas and spleen were normal. Kidneys were normal in size but have crystal deposits for both. Rt kidney - 10.6x5.48x6.4 cm Lt kidney - 9.2x5.26x6.3 cm Bladder was filled with fluid and no sign of calculi. Prostate was normal as well. Ive been vomiting and had fver for a week now aside from above pains.