1. A 2005 EEG study demonstrated that Sahaja
Yoga increases positive emotions, reduces negative emotions, improves emotional resilience and coping skills. Regular training of attention, paired with positive emotional experiences during the
meditation, increases psychological stability [batman stuff]
PS. Meditation activates the brain region associated with more adaptive responses to stressful or negative situations (Cahn & Polich, 2006; Davidson et al., 2003).
2. Other benefits of Meditation/Sahaja Yoga are: regulates ego, emotion and helps gain self confidence, self respect
PS. Sahaja Yoga can help us discover the authentic self through psychological and spiritual self-striving and ultimately transcend the self to live in the world in an enlightened way, exploring the higher reaches of human consciousness and spiritual fulfillment.
3. you can practice 'Sahaja Yoga' under the guidance of a trained Yoga practitioner or teacher, it is also important that you are able to relax and focus your mind.