Hiwelcome to HCM
I have gone thru your query regarding your husband suffering from Muliple system atrohpy . It is a matter of great concern .
Dear , as it is described (MSA) is a rare neurological disorder that impairs your body's involuntary functions, including blood pressure,
heart rate, bladder function and digestion.
Slowness of movement,
muscle rigidity and poor balance is part of this problem , not only swimming but time to come it can spread its paws to all actions , if not taken care timely .
MSA is associated with deterioration and shrinkage (atrophy) of portions of your brain (cerebellum,
basal ganglia and brainstem) that regulate internal body functions, digestion and
motor control .
As the disorder progresses, daily activities become increasingly difficult. and you may face problems as :
Breathing abnormalities during sleep
Injuries from falls associated with impaired walking or fainting
Progressive immobility
Loss of ability to care for yourself in day-to-day activities (from bathing to brushing teeth)
Vocal paralysis, which makes speech and breathing difficult
Increased difficulty swallowing .
Doctors are of the opnion that this is not a curable condition and they often advise using certain self-care measures to help minimize symptoms associated with
multiple system atrophy .
In Alternative therapies , theory is different . We believe , that if you boost your immunity by modifying your life style and food habits you can get resistance from diseases and live long trouble free life .
Balanced diet including all essential nutrients -fiber, vitamins ,minerals , ,and antioxidants in natural form Aloe Vera , fruit , green veges ,nuts and regular walk , exercise , deep breathing , Anulom Vilom , Bhramarri , Omkar Nad ,meditation and yoga posture are very helpful in strengthening immune system remove your health problems .
Certain poses, such as setu bandh (Bridge ), Also Cobra, when done correctly build strength in your middle and lower back.
mandook asan ,Agnisara , Kapalbhatti and Nauli can strengthen the abdominal muscles and diaphram. Tadasana (standing straight) will also help in giving a correct posture.
Avoiding fried, fast foods too much of saltsugar, tea, coffee ,alcohol , smoking ,stress ,
constipation ,
sleeplessness , dehyderation further help in regularising your system .
Hope this helps solves your query .Take care , All the best .
Don't hesitate to get back if have any further quer .