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Exercise Questions & Answers

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2 1 Thu, 2 Nov 2023
I started working out at the gym 4 weeks ago and bough some protein powder - Whey protein by Optimum Nutrition. I noticed that after my workouts when I take a scoop of protein powder mixed in a glass of water, a couple of minutes later my body temperature rises. Nothing alarming but somewhat...
2 1 Mon, 3 Apr 2023
Hello I keep shaking while working out even when I do push ups and I shake even more if i add weights put i can handle the shakes but i shake for an unknown reason i have no medical issues just loss in vitamin D but I m back on track but I do still shake
2 1 Mon, 12 Aug 2019
Dear Doctor, I have had my appendectomy done in the year 2016, after some months i started to gain a lot of weight. from 60 to 80 kgs. Is it wrong to go to a gym and start a workout program. Would the heavy lifting (not extreme) cause and other issues to my health?
2 1 Thu, 28 Feb 2019
When I work out I don t ever typically sweat. All the blood always rushes to my head. My face turns to the color of a tomato and I will have a pulse in my face for at least an hour after I work out. I will also have headache for 24 to 48 hours after. This has been a total of 3 times over the past...
2 1 Fri, 14 Sep 2018
I am looking for exercises for lower back pain caused by s misaligned l3 and l4 . I swim regularly and have been doing the planks exercise, however the Planks program is causing a great amount of pain in my shoulders and I need a replacement exercise
2 1 Fri, 27 Jul 2018
I work out 1/2/day cardio, 1/2 hr per day strength, I eat healthy, under my recommended calorie intake, my arms and legs are muscular but my belly is fat. I have insomnia and have had high BP readings. I took prednisone about 67 years ago for 2 years. I ve also been treated for acute depression....
2 1 Tue, 1 May 2018
My son is a basketball player. He has been complaining of pain in his knee. Seems like the big tendon in front. The Patella I think. Probably for two weeks, on and off, but more regular pain recently. It was especially sore tonight after practice. Do we need to make an appointment asap or should...
2 1 Fri, 22 Dec 2017
I began run-walking in spring 2016. I lost 60lbs since then. Combo of exersice and portion control. I began to notice fine, white hair on my face, mostly sidez but it is growing closer to my cheeks. Causes?? Could it be rigorous exercising or restricted diet?
2 1 Fri, 1 Dec 2017
can people with incisioral hernia do exercises for reducing belly fat if so what exercises are to be avoided are extensions exercise for reducing fat in these kind of patients or not the person is with central incisonal hernia due to surgery done to give birth to children
2 1 Mon, 16 Oct 2017
For the past couple of days, I have been having an ache on my left side of my back under my ribs. I don t know if it is from gaining weight or little exercise. I feel like it may be affecting my breathing when I sleep. Sometimes it goes away when I drink water. I also noticed that I m not...
2 1 Thu, 12 Oct 2017
for the last few weeks I ve been noticed joint pain. Knees, hips, s getting to where I don t like walking up stairs, and I have always been extremely active, on average 15-20,000 steps per day.45 year old white male, no prior health issues at all.
2 1 Tue, 1 Aug 2017
I went to a nephrologist because my GFR FOR NON AFRICAN AMERICANS has been between 45-54 for the past 4 years. Recently he told me I don t need to worry about the #s because they are that way because of how much I exercise. I was training for the last 6 mos for a 1/2 marathon. I continue to run...
2 1 Wed, 26 Jul 2017
did some heavy yard work...I m female age 62 ....had problems with lower right calf ...pulling sensation and the back of right ankle...saw chiropractor and went to primary care dr for 6 day steroid pkg for inflammation...had no relief....taking baths with Epsom salts and using ice pack while at...
2 1 Wed, 26 Jul 2017
When working out or exerting myself, I sometimes hit a wall where I become fatigued (particularly my neck and shoulder areas) and lightheaded. I usually recover in a minute or two, and continue my workout. Sometimes the event occurs again during my workout. What might be causing this to occur?
2 1 Mon, 17 Jul 2017
Hello, Yesterday I was working out my biceps on a machine. I felt sore but fine afterwards and the rest of the day I felt fine. However, This morning, I woke up and on the inside of my arm my forearm and bicep caused a fair amount of pain and I cannot fully extend my arm. It s been like this all...
2 1 Fri, 14 Jul 2017
My 26 year old daughter felt like a ton of bricks hit her above the right breast. She was at work and had to sit down. It purrs when she takes a deep breath. She did lift weights last night including chest exercises and it does feel sore to the touch. My concern is that it came on so suddenly. Go...
2 1 Fri, 30 Jun 2017
5 weeks ago my shoulder was sore after a light chest workout, felt like a small knot. I rested for a week and it was feeling better so I tried working out again but quickly found that my shoulder was still not right. I ave rested it, stretched it, iced it and it still is not right. I can raise my...
2 1 Mon, 5 Jun 2017
I was doing chest compressions today as part of my CPR training and they had us do them in sets of 15 minutes each, 4 times.I think I put a ton of pressure on my hand as well as the mannequin because I noticed redness and swelling on my wrist as soon as I had finished. It s been about 4 hours...
2 1 Thu, 18 May 2017
Hi my name is Francis and my stomach is hurting and I thought it was from doing crunches but the pain comes and goes but like now it hurts and it goes from the middle of my belly down to the bottom then to the top and I want to say the pain is about a 8 on the scall
2 1 Tue, 2 May 2017
After 20 minutes of intense cardio exercise, my right arm and right leg get freezing cold. I feel pins and needles on my right side. I get dizzy during cool down when head is lowered or if I bend down. It lasts about 20 minutes after exercise ends.
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