Hi, I am a 37 year old male, formerly heavy smoker (10-25 cigarettes per day for 15 years). Alcohol consumption: 35 units per week. Diet: generally healthy. BMI: 22.8.
Some weeks ago I was admitted to hospital with chest pain. The presentation of the pain was a generalised tightness across my chest accompanied by episodes of stabbing pain in the centre of my chest, the latter usually of very short duration (<1 second). The chest pain was also accompanied by a pain in one of my top teeth. I was also experiencing sensations of impending doom. ECG and blood tests were conducted which were all normal. Blood pressure and cholesterol readings also within normal healthy limits (blood pressure: 112/74, Cholesterol: total: 3.62, LDL: 1.66, HDL: 1.72, Triglycerides: 0.53). Stress test was conducted and the readings were normal to stage 4 (12 mins) of the Bruce Protocol.
However, a CT coronary angiogram found soft plaque on one artery (less than 20% narrowing of artery) and as a result I was prescribed baby aspirin and Lipitor 20mg. I have not had chest pain in recent weeks and can exercise without symptoms (jogging for 20 minutes a few times a week.) My question is, is it safe to increase the intensity of my training regime? I wish to exercise each day and at a greater intensity and duration.