I have extremely itchy lips quite puckered little bit swollen, the more closer to the inside of my mouth, I've have put chap lip ointment on and zinc ointment hoping the itch would go away its very uncomfortable, I think it may have something to do with spinach, I've been eating a lot last 6 days, that's kind of strange though, and my lips were similar to this yesterday, but this is more extreme today, I do not have any antihistamine in the house and its getting late to visit a GP, my tongue is not swollen and I am breathing fine, this started approx. 1130 this morning sort of went away and by 1430 I noticed itchiness and later around 1600 the itch was back on, not eaten anything after 1130. I have allergy to nuts, I had can peas yesterday, corn today but don't have allergy to corn, peas don't usually cause a reaction.