Hello, I've been really sick with Typhod, Malta, & Rematic Fevers all at the same time. I was reciveing antibiotic Shots IM. Now I have these hard and very painful balls on both of my butt cheeks where I had the IM shots. They have been there for about 8 months now. the pain comes and goes. but they hurt alot! The black & blue bruising is gone, But the pain is a constant reminder of the 6 month shot therapy I got.
My Question is, Should I get them removed? Are they dangerous?
I am no longer having trouble with typoid, malta, or reumatic, My titters are at 1.32
But I am still having fevers of 101- 104 usually at night, with night sweats & weakness & diareeaha & nausea. Do you think that the balls in my behind are the cause?