Hi and welcome to HCM..
I thank you for posting your query here and I'm definitely going to help you out..
I being a surgeon, we encounter so many such cases day in and day out.
I read your question completely and have understood it well enough..
I will analyze all your points..
1.Anal sex and ejaculation in the ass generally doesn't lead you to
pregnancy. Take it from me with certainty..
2. Again, we see so many such cases where the couple worry of pregnancy by just contact of semen with vagina.
No, it's again just a myth.
Semen has to go deep inside vagina.
So do not worry..
3. You immediately wiped that secretion, whatever it is?
So again, need not worry about pregnancy..
You have done your best.
4. And lastly, it's highly unlikely that you'll land up in pregnancy. Sure of it..
Take my words.
Do not worry, chill out..
Hope this helps you, in case you need any further assistance, please let me know.
Take care friend and God bless.