Hello dear
I understand your concern
I pill is effective in preventing
pregnancy if taken with in 72 hours after sex.
In your case, I pill was taken after 72 hours so it will not protect agianst pregnancy.
Your period date was on 26th jan.
You did sex on 18th jan.
So you did sex on 20th to 22th day of your cycle if you have regular cycle of 28 to 30 days.
I think it is safe period of cycle so chance of pregnancy is less.
But I pill contain high
progesterone and cause delayed in period by 1-2 week.
So if your period will delay by more than 2 week then consult gynecologist.
White curdy discharge could be due to side effect of I pill, vaginal yeast infection.
It require vaginal swab test to confirm infection.
Infection should be treated by
clotrimazole and
lactobacillus suppository.
Wear pure cotton loose inner, maintain proper pelvic hygiene, wash vagina with warm salted water and then apply apple cidar vinegar
stress, take healthy diet and do regualr exercise
Hope this may help you
Best regards
Dr. Sagar